Tuesday 23 November 2010

Post 9- Post Production

As a whole, the editing process to an estimation of 5 hours, as a group we had to discuss how to edit the video, which parts to crop out and make sure if there is any errors in the video. to do this we used a shot list, this helped us a lot as we knew how long each shot lasted and when it started and finished.

Here is the shot list of our video:

We all contrbibuted in the editing suite and discussed how the first shot will begin so we decided to quickly fade in the first shot from a black background, close up of ELLY's face, we got this idea from the actual X Factor audition. 

At the end of each shot edting scene that we had done, we had to make sure that the end of the finished editing scene and the beginning of the new editing would emerge in together so that the whole video was continous. This part was quite hard because when ELLY walks down the stairs and joins KELLY through to the corridor, the timing had to be very accurate to keep the continuity without any errors.

After we had finished doing the editing, we had to start the sound, we all listented to the video very carefully and decided when the sound should be louder or quieter by moving the little circle markers either down for decrease or up for increase, or if we thought there was unnecessary sound in the background we just lowered the sound completely. Whilst doin this process we had to make sure that when we finished each shot we had to lower the marker at the end of the shot and higher the marker in the beginning of the shot so that the sound throughout the whole video was continous.

After looking at the whole editing version of the video, i thought that it was very good as i thought it would of been much harder however during one of the scenes where ELLY and KELLY were talking to each other, the shot reverse shot was quite poor as we could not see ELLY's face when she was talking to KELLY, so we could of done more shots on that specific scene. Overall I was very pleased with the continutiy in the video as there was no errors however we did have a few problems as we didn't stick to the Shot List and just done the editing as we were going along and therefore we did have some shots missing which could if made it more better.  

Sunday 7 November 2010

Post 8- Production Report

I thought that the film as a whole was pretty good. When it came to shooting the film, we all had to make sure if we were free at the time to shoot the film, this was quite an issue for the four of us plus the actor becasuse our 'Study Periods' did clash with the lessons we had however we did eventually find a time/day slot, which was on a thurday afternoon.

The whole film took an hour to shoot, we had to collecting all the camera equipment including tripod, camera itself and tape, we also had to get the props for film which consists of two chairs, the followings things that we had to do during the hour time space we had was filming all our scences the re-shoot again for the scences that we felt wasn't good enough and lastly packing up the equipment and props and returning it to the media department.
When we were shooting the scenes we did encounter a few issues such as: the time we done the filming was when a P.E. lesson was due to take place, so we had pupils walking in and out through the corridors which limited our time because everytime a person walked through we had to re-shoot the scene however we told the teachers not to send anyone through until we had finished shooting the film.
Also both of the actors did forget their lines at times but this wasn't much of a problem as we just had to remind them and then we just re-shot that scene.

When we watched back the film, it was actually quite good and I was very pleased with the result bearing in mind it was our first media project.
However we did encounter a few minour problems such as, the lighting it was quite an issue because the fire exit doors did not have any curtains so the sun light reflected on the floors which then gives a shadow of the crew and camera equipments so we had to be careful whilst shooting that scene. Another minor problem was when there was a noise/disruption coming from the P.E. lesson, however we did find out that the auditions are not completley silent so it was alright to have a little bit of sound in the background.

I personally thought that as a group we all worked well together and didn't encounter any major problems during filming, I thought that each member of the group contributed some good ideas that went towards the making of the 'x factor' film.

Tuesday 2 November 2010

Post 7- Additional Pre-Production Documentation

Location Recce: 

Risk Assesment:
We had to prepare a risk assesment for our location, looking at possible hazards that could occur during fthe filming and to prevent anyone from injuring themselves.
It is important to carry out a risk assesment so we are aware of the possible hazards that could occur during our film production.

Here is the shooting schedule, this to make sure that we are well planned and prepared for the making of our film:
This is our group Mise-En-Scene for our project:

Here is the list of cast, crew, props and the equipments