Friday 11 March 2011

Main Post 9- Production Report

Production Report
We had to split our filming in to 2 days, this was because we had a low battery and a tape issue, The weather was in fact good as we wanted it to be a dry, sunny, fairly warm day so the co0ntinituy f this wasn’t an issue.
In scenes 2 and five, the classroom we used had a lot of natural light coming through which affected and darkened the characters down so we had to re-arrange the classroom to prevent any light shining onto the characters.  
As we were shooting the film we realized that the credits were not as good as we thought it would be so instead we digitally inserted the credits however we didn’t completely get rid of the whole idea so in scene 2 shot 3 we used stationary to display the title of the film ‘9th Grade’ and for the other credits we looked for objects in the scenes to display them in.
As a whole I thought our project was up to a good standard as it worked well and exactly how we wanted it to be. When we watched it back, it did make us laugh which showed a good sign as our film was meant to be comical. As a result, although we encountered a few problems as a group we all contributed equally and solved it rather quickly and I also thought that our ‘9th Grade’ project was a successful piece of work.