Friday 8 April 2011

Post 10- Post Production

Logging Rush
This is the logging Rush that we used to help us to decide which scenes would best suit for the film as a whole, the second scene shots were good enough as the first scene shots were just to test and try if everythings ok including the cast, camera movement and all the equipments used there. Whilst filming we also had line breaks as we a feww issues with the tape however this wasn't mcuh of a problem as we continued filming the next day.

After we finsihed capturing all the footage from two different tapes, we cut and arranged them on to a timeline using the software 'Adobe Premiere Pro Project', the writing font that we chose was called the sans-serif font as we thought it stood out and suited our whole comedy theme.we started to put the credits on different objects to see where i best stood out and was clear enough to read.  

Afterwards we added the sound and the countdown timer to the start of the opening sequence.
We then added the cross disolve effect at the beginning of the opening sequences so that it looks as if the whole video is continous, after researching about a typical comedy film, we found out that the credits displayed should be atleast 3 seconds long, and so the viewers have enough time to read it.

Here is the part were we added the sound, at the en of the footage we added a school bell which is allocated in the bottom of the timeline. We didn't use any ordinary bell, we used one that sounded american and that was mostly used in american movies. 

After adding the Bell sound, we then added the music in the background, one of the group members found a track, which was an unsigned, the track was called 'Worn Out', the music played very well and suited the comedy genre. We had to replace the other track 'Just a day' as we weren't too sure if it was signed or an unsigned band. 

After we had finished doing all the editing, we watched through the footage, and i personally thought that it was a successful piece of work as it did make me laugh, especially when the main character fell over. We also showed it to our focus group and gained some feedback from them.