Thursday 16 December 2010

Post 10- Evaluation

While watching this video we can see that ELLY's back is towards the camera when she is talking for atleast 20 seconds, our 'shot reverse shot' was quite poor in this one as we didn't pay attention to the characters face when Elly was talking so it is important to see the characters face, especially when they are talking. Also the video as a whole wasn't very long as i expected it to be. to do this we could have made the script more longer, as  we can see that the dialogues being exchange through both of the charcters were quite short.
We also could of added some sound to the video as it would make it more realistic knowing that they do it in the actual X Factor auditions. if we had a happy cheezy music at the end of this video, the audience can realise that ELLY got through to the next stage, not only that it makes the atmosphere brighten up more.
Taken as a whole, we have learnt new things, and making those basic errors will help us to improve for next time but i thought the Audition Preliminary task was successful considering it was our first filming task.

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