Friday 14 January 2011

Main Post 2- Choosing Genre

After doing some secondary research i found that from 1995-2010 the genre Comedy grossed in the most money out of the other following genres.

Here is the questionnaire which we produced as a group:


1) What age range are you in?

12 years or younger 13-25  26-50  51 or older

2) Are you male or female?

3) Which film genre do you watch most frequently?

4) Why do you like this genre so much?

5) How often do you go to the cinema?

1-2 times a month  3-4 times a month  5+ times a month

6) When you go to the cinema, who do you usually go with?

Friends (Same age) Friends (Older) Friends (Younger) Family(Younger) Family(Older)

7) What would you expect to see in the first 2 minutes of the film?

8) What genre of film would you like to see more of?

After we had gathered all our questionnaire results, we found that most people chose the genre 'Comedy' as they found it more excting and enjoyable to watch. we also saw that most people go to the cinema atleast once or twice a week and for that reason we chose to do Comedy for a our project.

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