Tuesday 3 May 2011

Main Post 12.5

How did you attract/address your audience?

Our media product can be seen by a young audience, it would receive a 'U' BBFC rating as its suitable for all ages however our main focus is from an age between 8-18. The film as a whole is suitable for all ages because this footage does not contain any upsetting or inappropriate images. Although it shows the main character being bullied all the time, the things that happen to her won’t make you feel sorry for her, instead it will bring out humour and laughter e.g. Mr Bean. Nevertheless there is a happy ending to the whole film itself.
We addressed our target audiecne with the setting of a school; the mise-en-scene, this was obvious to the audience because they can tell by the mise-en-scene, the location and the diagetic sound of a school bell.

Whilst doing the audience feedback, we gathered a range of people, 3 of whom were our friends, 2 male ages 16 and 17 and one female age 17, and another 2 young boys, both aged 14. We asked them a few questions, some from the questionnaire that we had done. ‘How they thought the opening sequence went’, ‘would you go and watch it with a friend’. We thought it would be best to get different age groups so that we can get a realistic feedback.

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