Tuesday 3 May 2011

Main Post 12.2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?


The social group that we represented our main character was as a 'nerdy' character. This is shown by the character clothes, and her big glasses and holding the text books. This sort of characters is mainly based in American movies and that’s why he chose that sort of look. The character also seems to be very lonely as she has no friends, in the footage it shows that she is sitting in the front of the class, whilst all the popular kids (including the bully) sitting in the back, looking at their phones and messing around as the nerdy kid is very serious and all set in doing her work. This is how the teenage Americans are normally represented so our opening sequence is a successful Americanised film.

The other social group that we represented was the typical popular American 'bully', we done this by making the bully look rough and big. We used the mise-en-scene by representing the bully as wearing dark clothing, along with a leather jacket, the bully also seems to have a friend with at all time unlike the nerdy kid who has no friends. I thought that our characters did look very American as the mise-en-scene and location did suit the American themed comedy genre. We dressed this character in dark clothes to represent the stereo-typicalness in this, to show that he is hard and no one should 'mess with him'.

'9th Grade' --> 
<--'High School Musical 3'

High School Music is a school based American movie, our 9th grade location suited the whole american school theme because, in one of our location we deliberately done a shot where there are lockers, the reason for this was because most American school movies tend to have lockers surrounding the school building. 

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