Tuesday 3 May 2011

Main Post 12.3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

There are many ways in which to distribute our film
The kind of media institution that would distribute our product would be a highy well known company, and that would be the SONY company, as they normally globally distribute their films, spreading it world wide, if not atleast to the USA. Some of the films that Sony have worked with are 'Bridget Jones' Diary and Drillbit Taylor. Drillbit taylor was an Americanised school based film, this film had given us the idea as our 9th Grade characters were based on the Drillbit Taylor characters. Therefore the company Sony would best suit to distribute our film.

However. knowing that the 'Sony Pictures' is very big and well known distributor, therefore realistically there is a low chance of our film getting distributed as the cast and crew are not well known, so we have to start small and see where it goes.
The role of the production company would produce our film by raising funds and holding charity events to produce a new film. The company can also adversities the film by joining with another company, this is called 'convergence', this is when two companies join together to produce/distribute/advertise a film for example internet, to develop promotion and therefore getting a wider audience, so they can preview our film and therefore getting a wider audience.
Overall I believe that the british film distributor 'Momentum Pictures' would be an ideal distributor for our film because it is cheap however although it is not very well known, Momentum's most successful theatrical release includes 'The Kings Speech' so there is a chance of our film getting big and hopefully grossing in a fair amount of money.



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