Tuesday 3 May 2011

Main Post 12.6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

1) Adobe Premier:
As a group, we used this software to edit our opening sequence, although I had used this software before in my previous group project, I did find it quite confusing however after doing it more and with the help of teachers and the members of my group, it started to make more sense and became more easier to understand.

2) Internet Explorer:
I used the internet explorer to find and research the history of genre, and to see how much profit/money a comedy genre film had made. I also used the internet to find pictures, and watch some videos about comedy.

3) YouTube:
After we had finished doing our focus group, the actual opening sequence and the audience feedback, the footage then got uploaded onto YouTube by the teacher and then we had to export the video onto our blog. We also used YouTube to research opening sequence's to help with our comedy genre film.

4) Microsoft PowerPoint:
Since the blog only accepted JPEG files I had to use the software Microsoft PowerPoint because this was the only way that I could actually change the pictures in to a JPEG file.

5) Samsung Camera:
We used the samsung camera to take shots of the location we used for our opening sequence, we needed the photos for our pre-production and list all the hazards that could happen in each location that we used. 

6) Scanner: 
Some of the work that we had done was hand written/drawn, so we had to scan it in, save it as a PDF file and then export it on to the blog.

7) Google: Google was a very important website as I got most of the pictures from there, especially for the moodboard that I had produced. We also used Google to research information about the genre 'comedy'.

8) Word: 
The software 'Word' was most useful when I produced the post production and pre-production documentation. This was because I had a lot of writing to do and to make sure that there was no mistakes and grammatical error, this was also the right software to produce a table.

9) Cassette:
The cassette was very important because without that, we wouldn't have been able to record our film, the tape did reach to the end once and that therefore did not capture one of our scenes, however we did just get another cassette and recorded the shot again.

10) Video Camera + Tripod:
We used the tripod throughout our video as we needed most of the scenes to be steady and not unstable. We used the video camera to capture all our footage, it was very useful as we could look back at the footage after we had done the scene shots.

11) Blogger.com:
I used this website to publish all the work that I had done, including all the pictures, videos we made and any additional written work. I have never used this before so it was quite confusing at first however once I started using it regularly I got used to it and didn’t really encounter any problems with it.

12) Unsigned Band Web:
We used this website to find music that was not copy-righted, this website was very useful as it had the list of genre type music and what would suit for our piece of work. 

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